Jocelyn at Physical Possum tagged me for an Honest Scrap award, and Silver at Tantalizing Treats tagged me with a Bella Sinclair award! I'm so honored by these two lovely ladies!
The Bella Sinclair award states by it's creator, Ces:

“I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honor the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted, accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomizes all of these things. She is an inspiration to many of us”.
“I hope that when Bella returns, this award would have already circulated in the blogs. It is my honor to give this award to the first recipients who I hope will find the same pleasure as I have in spreading its crown, giving shade and the comfort of friendship and caring and of sisterhood by sharing this award with their blog-friends and sisters!”
By the way, Silver, thanks for introducing me to Ces's blog, I can't wait to dig in and read more!
The Honest Scrap rules are as follows:

- “The Honest Scrap” award is not one to hold all to your self but it must be shared!
- First, the recipient has to tell 10 true things about themselves in their blog that no one else knows.
- Second, the recipient has to pass along this prestigious award to 10 more bloggers.
- Third, those 10 bloggers all have to be notified they have been given with this award.
- Those 10 bloggers that receive this award should link back to the blog that awarded them “The Honest Scrap’ award.
Are there really 10 things you guys don't already know about me that I actually want to share? This might be a tough one.
1. I have always loved animals. I wanted to be a wildlife rehabilitator when I was in high school, but then I realized wild animals are fucking scary.
2. If I won the lottery, I would probably go back to school for a veterinarian degree.
3. I honestly don't think I'm smart enough to get a veterinarian degree.
4. Scratch 2 & 3. If I won the lottery, I would probably go back to school for photography.
5. If I'm running late, I won't shower that day. I take the old French Whore's Bath. All day long I feel disgusting. Which does not stop me from doing it again the next time I can't drag my lazy ass out of bed.
6. I dropped out of high school, and got a full-time job making tie-dyed tee-shirts. I had fucked around my senior year doing things like early morning Kamikaze shots. Then I got really sick and had to have my tonsils out. I lost credit and realized I wasn't going to graduate with my class, so I got a full time job doing something I loved instead.
7. I went to business school after my full time job 5 days a week, and earned a "Word Processing" certificate before I received my GED in the mail.
8. I firmly believe that if roughly 25% of my graduating class had to take their GED, they would not have received their diploma. That shit was hard!
9. I had a pet python for about 7 years before he died, I got him when he was a baby, 6 weeks old and I was 17. I still feel guilty about his death, because I hadn't educated myself enough in advance in the proper care and handling of pythons, and he probably should have lived much longer. I will never forget the day my mother found out I had had a snake in her house for 3 weeks without her knowing! "Get you and your fucking snake out of my house!" Ha-ha, she was so pissed. And then she ended up being the one to name him. She grew to love him, or at least tolerate him. Whatever, I moved out soon after.
10. If I could make money making tie-dyed shirts, or at photography, or working with animals, I would quit my job in a heartbeat.
Bonus 11 - Lucky you! I worry way too much about what my son thinks of me. One minute I'm the cool mom, and the next minute I'm soooo embarrassing. What I really worry about is that he is going to feel about me the way I feel about my mom. He's my only child. What if he and his future wife hate me and move far away from me? I know I worry too much in advance about things. While I'm enjoying a week to myself right now, I wonder what the hell I'm going to do in 3 years when he goes off to college. I'm absolutely certain that the fact that my mother is coming in less than a week to stay for a month has nothing whatsoever to do with this weighing heavily upon my mind!
There you have it! Now for the tags.
I've started following a lot of new blogs, lately, so I'd like to hear from them. If you're not into doing memes or accepting awards, it's all good. There are no obligations, no strings, no worries. But please know that that I bloggy love you enough to tag you, in alphabetical order!
Char, at Char's Today
My sissy, Chaos at It's all the same fuckin' day, man. Kouf, come out and play?
Proud Dogmom of Lola, at Life, Love and Lola
Judi, at Lines Composed
Andrea, at My Life's Second Half
Shana, at Shana's Place
Ebony, at Sizzling Publications
Naomi, at Surviving Single Motherhood
Raine, at True Confessions of a Single Mother
SRG, at Two Black Cats
That should do it! If you choose to accept this assignment, both awards, I look forward to your posts! I'm already following all of your blogs, so I'm hoping I might have stuff to read from you all soon! If I was cool enough to be southern, I'd call you all, y'all. But I'm not southern. Or cool.
According to my son, my cool levels plummeted in the last couple of days. Crap, I don't even know why! I must have embarrassed him somehow, by like being alive and/or breathing. Or something.
First, congratulations! It is no surprise to me to learn that you have been tagged with two awards. Second, thanks for sharing ELEVEN things about yourself. (I'm personally taking that as a reference to the movie "Spinal Tap!" Well done.) Third, thank you for tipping your hat my way! I REALLY enjoy your blog (and appreciate your follow) and will working on a list of 10, I guess! :)
Damn it. I hate typos. :)
Congrats!! You definately deserve both awards! Thanks for tagging me, I hope I can come up with 10 interesting facts.
I totally worry about what ryder is gonna think about me. Hes only two and I am already worried. Ugg!
Congrats and cool.
I will work on my 10 !!!
Wow, what a great day to stop by for the first time from Chaka's to say hello. Nice to meet you!
Congrats on your awards!
I'll be back again soon.
Oh, yeah, and you have another award on my blog!
Thank you so much, Fancy. I've just had surgery but will try to comply as I recover. Love your blog...thanks again!
Thanks Fancy Schmancy! And congrats! I also love photography and dream of being able to study it again. It was my favorite class in high school. Sorry to hear about your python. :(
college is for losers.
I wish you could make a living doing photography too, don't give up on that idea for good though!
Woo hoo. Congrats!
Ever see the Far Side cartoon where some chap finds himself in a wood faced by a million grinning furry animals? I'm always freaked out by animals. I want to know what they are thinking. I always believed that my hamster would kill me some day. I was wrong.
YAY!!! Thank you...Thank you very much! Off to work on my 10.
Yeah, I am in the "not cool" mom mode right now, just for breathing.
AND...the fact that I asked too many questions to the mom who is taking them to the Jo Bro concert tomorrow night.
Thanks for the award!! I'm working on my list of 10 right now.
Woo-hoo! Awards!
I'm a bad blogger lately, but I stopped by to say "wazzup" (a la all the "Scary Movies" -- something that will probably make your cool levels plummet should you use it on your son) and to say that I always wanted to be a vet, too.
And then I realized I could stand seeing HUMANS in pain... but not animals.
So I became a teacher instead.
Happy Thursday.
I'm a single mom of one child as well and I often wonder what will happen when I'm too old to take care of myself. My poor daughter - it will all be on her shoulders! So I hereby hope she marries and has a hoard of kids to help her out with crazy Gramma Cora. Amen.
Congrats on the awards!!!!
Not all wild animals are scary. We gorillas can be very hospitable to humans we like.
Congrats on the well deserved awards!! :D
Can I take photography class with you? That'd be a blast!
Thanks! I'm working on my 10 but I'm not sure I'll be able to pass it on to 10. I'm so new here I haven't been able to blogwalk enough to even follow 10 yet!
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