Somehow we ended up way out in the boonies. I'm talking old school New England colonial backwoods, with horses and stone walls. That is where we found an estate sale on a property that was incredible. The adult children were helping their parents clear out the many buildings as the property had already been sold. I can only guesstimate that it went in the millions.

My mother walked around finding things to buy, while I walked the property taking pictures. Afterward, I tried explaining the pictures I had taken to my mother. I told her how I had seen things that I HAD to take pictures of, in between the green of the leaves and the trees and the stone walls and the dappled sunlight.

My mother was trying hard to understand me, I was so grateful. She told me that the words I used to describe what I was taking pictures of sounded like poetry. "Momma", I said, "they looked like poetry to me". I had no other way to explain what I was trying to do. She understood that a picture is worth a thousand words.
We had a moment there, and it was almost as beautiful to me as the pictures in my mind. I don't know if the pictures in real life capture it, but here they are.

i love the bridge pictures. it looks a bit like a magical/fictional place, like Narnia or something.
There are some nice things about new england :D
the greenery is so lovely! lots of green just makes property look so peaceful and picturesque.
You should have worn a yankees hat, that would be very appropriate there :)
I LOVE stone walls, like seriously I have a lust for seeing them.
I think you captured the poetry of natural light and colour perfectly, Fancy :) they're lovely photos.
Glad you and your mum had such a great day.
Agreed to everyone up there. I love greeneries, and the pictures captured the loveliness of the place. Wish I could go there and see the beauty with my own eyes.. :)
Lovely pics! Just beautiful.
Beautiful photos
Oh, I would have been SO torn between taking pictures and finding old stuff to buy! HARD decision!
That is as beautiful a place as you could wish for.
It is like poetry. Which, I promise you, is NOTHING that I would normally say. Ever.
I love that little bridge. It looks so perfectly serene and tranquil. I'm all about serene and tranquil.
Yes, I am!
Love the bridge and benches. For what it is worth, I have spent half my life explaining why I took photos.
There is something so wonderful about stopping time for a moment to enjoy it.
You obviously had that moment with your mom and the wonderful pictures to prove it.
They are beautiful. They remind me of my childhood days of getting lost in the woods with your friends.
Back in the days when kids COULD do that.
That bridge is priceless. I would love to have something like that! Well, first I have to get a house again. hahaaha
Once again, your pictures inspire me. Thanks for sharing. (Now to get off my duff and take my own camera outside!)
Any chance that the property is for sale? It's beautiful!
So what did you buy at the estate sale???
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