Can you believe it? I'm flabbergasted. I'm sitting at work trying not to sob like a little girl, but I have tears rolling down my cheeks.
It's not just the award, but what he wrote about me. It's probably one of the most thoughtful things anyone's ever done for me, and just when I needed it most:
"... there's a blogger whose honesty and openness make me look like a filthy lyre. She came close to quitting blogging a while back. Made it a whole day before she was driven back. Not because she wanted to make us laugh or smile. But because we're her friends, and when things go bad, you don't push your friends away, you pull them closer.
Right now, she telling a heart ripping tale from her past. Fancy, know I haven't commented much, but there isn't much to say. But I HAVE been reading. And interspersed in the story, are posts that make me smile, too.
So, Fancy Schmancy, today I proudly present you the "Honest Blogger Award." Just to be clear, this does not require you to list 6 things about yourself, show the contents of you purse, or pass on to other people. This award was had created especially for you, because you deserve it..."
Say it with me, AWWWWWWWW! Thanks so much, Scope. Virtual hugs are being sent across the wires to you. That was awesome.
Congrats to you...you deserve it for being so free hearted with your past....let it out girl.....have a great day!!!!
How wonderful it is to know that even though we can be so hard on ourselves, we discover the impact we have on others. I have a feeling that after you're done with your story, you're going to have a peace in your heart where the pain has been.
Now I wonder if he's read Kate's post - you know, the NASTY one she just did. That was just a little too honest for me, can't get the picture of that out of my mind...
You deserve it Fance, we all love you and applaud your bravery at telling THE story.
That Scope is a fine man. Yes indeed.
Congratulations!! It is well deserved, Fance, you brave, strong, awe-inspiring chick, you!! :-)
((((BIG HUGS))))
And, that Scope, *sigh*, he's one mighty fine fella if I do say so myself. ;-)
Hello - I'm here from Scope's place. I just read through the 10 parts of your story and WOW...you earned this award!
The stories that shape our lives aren't always pretty, but they are a large part of what makes us who we are.
You certainly deserve it.
And if anybody who has read your story thinks harshly of you, I hope they remove themselves frommy follower's list if they are there. I'd rather have fewer followers than to have anyone who would judge you for your past.
Have a good weekend.
Congratulations. That's quite an honor coming from Scope. I will need to tune into your blog more often.
Lurking, but had to say congratulations!
you TOTALLY deserve it.
you're a wonderful person........
awesome! I had to resort to awarding myself awards. You probably actually deserved this though!
I'm a brand new visitor -- I found you through Scope's page where he mentioned your cool blog. Nice! I just subscribed and will stay in touch. Congratulations!
Congratulations!! Good choice, Scope!
You deserve it Fancy!
Scope has a heart of gold, doesn't he? And is a good judge of character, too.
You totally deserve this award. Wish I'd thought of it myself...
Like Scope, I've been reading along; but haven't commented much because, really, what can I say? Except thanks for sharing your innermost thoughts with us. And I'm glad you didn't quit blogging...
And, of course, congrats on your award. :)
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