My son had a couple of friends over after school on Friday with my permission, and asked if I could drive them to the mall. I like both these kids a lot, and apparently they like me, too. One of them thinks I'm pretty funny, and calls me his "hero". I don't really get that, but I'll take it. I'm apparently not very much like the other Catholic School Moms. The other one thinks I'm pretty cool and is jealous because I'm taking my son to see The Dead in concert at the end of the month. Keep in mind my son didn't even like The Dead when I won the tickets, but now is seeing his mother's wisdom in asking him to go with me as he realizes that none of his other friend's mothers would do the same thing. So I dropped the "Irish Mafia" off at the mall pretty secure in my coolness.
Yesterday I had a class and wasn't sure what time I would be back in town. I told my son he would have to plan on walking home from school. I got out early, and it was pouring rain. I checked the house first and he wasn't home yet, so I drove over to the school. Neither of us have a cell phone right now, so I went in looking for him. I found him in the cafeteria, much to his chagrin. He asked me to go ahead and when he got in the car he admitted that he was kind of embarrassed by my presence.
I waited until later and asked how I could be so cool on Friday, but so embarrassing on Monday. He said my "cool levels" change. I suggested that maybe in reality, I am extremely cool ALL of the time, and maybe it's his moodiness that changes. He didn't like that suggestion very much.
Oh well, next time he can walk home in the torrential downpour while me and the inside of my extremely cool 10 year old station wagon stay nice and dry.
3 weeks ago
I remember doing the EXACT same thing with my Mom, back in the day. He'll grow out of it eventually and see you for the cool chick you are...
Yeah, I do understand that "eventually" is the key word here.
It's a lovely age, isn't it? *sigh*
Haha...fluctuating coolness levels? I'm on your side. :)
Changing cool levels? Isn't that menopause? ;)
Cora, I will say it again - 14 sucks.
Angie, thanks for the support.
BeckEye, I may seem old, but I'm not That old!
Ha! I love that you called him out on it and he had no response. You know he's still thinking about what you said, it'll just take 6 (or more) years until he realizes you are right. ;)
hahahahaha You are definitely a cool mom. All your son needs is a summer with my mom to appreciate you!!!
Well were you wearing something dorky or something?
Just kidding...I'm just gettin there with my 11 year old son...I feel for ya!
I would have explained it as "coolness zones".
And school is his "zone" and no matter if you showed up with (insert name of singer who is the colest for the next 37 seconds) you would still be invading his zone.
Home and the car with close friends, private zone. Cool.
Concert where chance of running into anyone he knows is 0%? Cool.
I think once he realizes the Power of Mom...
Prime example: There was this time when I was 14 or so that a... friend?... leech?... of mine wanted me to go somewhere with them. It might have been as simple as going to a movie, but I really didn't want to go.
I asked my mom if I could go. In a I-don't-really-want-to-go voice.
She told me that I should call my leech-friend back and tell them that I wasn't allowed to go.
And I thanked her for being so "cool" later.
Right on, cool Moms.
Hell to the Yeah!! I get this ALL. THE. TIME.
One day it's a virtual over-flow of info and the next, it clam righ up and you're so annoying mom.
Teens, cant live with em, cant kill em!
I like that coolness levels change... That means there's some hope of mine going up!
Lucky for me, my son is only three - his friends scream when I show up at school!
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