I was extremely surprised to find the bird still there when I came back outside. That never happens. So I slowly made my way down the porch steps to see if I could get a better angle on the pictures. The bird could not have cared less. It let me get as close as I wanted to. It kept looking like it was trying to sleep.

At that point, I thought that there must be something wrong with it. Sure enough, it tried to hop down a couple of branches and it looked like this:

I thought I would probably have to call a wild life rehabilitator or take it somewhere and see if it could be healed. In the meantime, the poor little baby allowed me to croon to it, and stroke it's feathers. I'm not kidding when I say it was the softest thing I've ever touched. It didn't try to attack me while I was touching it, and it didn't seem freaked out by it, either.

I went inside briefly to tell my mother what was going on. I was concerned that a wild life rehabilitator wouldn't take the bird in because they are basically a dime a dozen. There was no way I could bring the baby bird in my house with 2 cats and a dog that wants to eat everything that moves. I didn't know what to do. My mother insisted that I should wash my hands before I did anything further. In my mother's eyes, god only knows what diseases the bird was carrying and I had been touching it.

After speaking to my mother, I went back out and the bird was gone. I can only hope that it wasn't sick, that it was a new baby and needed to rest for a couple of minutes before it found the energy to go live it's life. Sweet little angel baby!

OMG, how SWEET and CUTE! *heart melting* I love animals. They are so cute.
I'm trying really hard not to scold you for smoking. ;p
PS I've finally started blogging again.
This is National Geographic here and we would like to buy those pictures for $50,000.
It's just me. Dr Zibbs.
But nice photos.
So cute..!!
I found a half-dead chick in a drain once and brought it home and raised him. The whole family loved him! It was the best feeling ever.
Yes, I'm trying not to nag at you about smoking as well, like JoJo up there.
Great pics! That little guy is heart melting. I hope he's okay.
My heart just melted!!! Those photos are soooo cute and I love your story. You got to actually touch its soft feathers, way cool!
Adorable bird! What a good story Fancy.
Poor little bird. It's a pity you didn't bring it inside.
That's very cute.
You should also stop smoking. :)
I can't believe you didn't offer it a cigarette.
Great photos.
I bet the little guy is just fine now.
Loved this one... so innocent, simple things in life are the best.. thanks for sharing. I say take the N'tl Geo offer :)
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