The company I work for gives us turkeys every year for Thanksgiving. Not little cheesy ones, either - these suckers are almost 25 pounds.
Almost every year there are a couple left over for whatever reason, and the shop guy brings his and the extras to a battered women and children's shelter. Last year, not only did we not have any extras, we didn't have enough. It didn't make sense because the lady who does the ordering accounts for every single employee, and orders a few extra just in case. On top of that, even though she orders for herself, she is a Jehovah's Witness and never takes hers. They chalked it up to an error in calculation and this year did it a little differently.
She ordered for every employee, including 2 people out on disability, including Opie's family, even including one for the cleaning guy. Then she ordered 8 extra. With her turkey, the shop guy's turkey, the prez's turkey, and another lady who's out of town and asked for her's to be donated, that should have been 12 extra.
They were personally delivered to the construction guys out in the field or out on disability. There was a list of names to be checked off as each office person or service tech took their's, honor system style. Not everyone got their's by the end of the day, so they were all put into the fridge. This morning there are only 2 extras left.
There are some understandably furious people in the office today. How much free turkey do you really need? 25 pounds wasn't enough you greedy bastards? With the amount of money the people around here make, it is unbelievable that they would even think about taking more than one. I cannot imagine the sense of entitlement you would have to possess to be able to take an "extra" turkey literally right out of a homeless child's mouth.
It's despicable and I'm disgusted.
3 days ago
Next year they should give Cornish Game Hens.
Wow. That is really disappointing and shitty. I hope whoever did it chokes on the wishbone. Put a nanny cam on the fridge next time.
Eeek, you mean that Jehova's Witnesses are out there in public...all around us....blending in as regular office employees...and we wouldn't even know?!?!?
How rude! A similar thing happened at my work. We usually have a summer party at the only amusement park in Utah - they take care of the tickets, plus they provide free food buffet style. But this year a bunch of people who don't work for the company came and ate our food and now we won't be having the party next year. Those dicks! I love amusement parks!
Zibbs, they might cancel the whole thing next year, we'll see.
Gwen, I suggested the camera for next year, if they even do it.
Poo, they are all over the damn place. Luckily this lady is one of the coolest chicks, with a great sense of humor. I tell her anti-Witness jokes all the time, and we are often co-conspiritors in office pranks.
Lydia, people never fail to amaze me with how much they suck!
HOLY CRAP!! What kind of a fuc%head STEALS FREE TURKEYS??
That is so disturbing. What a disappointment.
And you can tell them I said so!
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Any ill gotten gain will be have its revenge, fear not.
The rudeness of some people never ceases to amaze me. I remember at my old job, when we would have any kind of office party and there was food left over, there was this one lady who would basically just clean out the fridge at the end of the day and take everything home. She was a nasty bitch too, so no one ever confronted her about it.
People at my job now are a bit more polite, but I always keep the kitchen stocked with snacks and some of them will still bitch about what we DON'T have. How can you not appreciate free food? Just take what you're given and be happy, and then shut the hell up!
The holidays seem to me, to bring out the worst or the best in people. People are on their emotional extremes lately. Don't you think? Giving stuff away makes me feel better than being greedy. So I try to stick with that.
People are greedy pigs. They really are. These are the same people who eat other people's lunches or take their drinks in the office refrigerator.
Someone should call a company meeting, mandatory, and then just shame the hell out of guilty parties by saying that it's been ruined and the tradition won't be continued thanks to the greed.
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